In my work, animal and human forms reflect on the posthuman condition. I investigate the human experience, the animal experience, and the way animals have been perceived and treated, drawing from both historical and contemporary contexts. When using animal subjects, I strive to understand animal idiosyncrasies and depict the way they communicate through their body and gaze. I seek for the congruities that exist between animal dispositions and our own, and the way they prevail through our physical form. By deconstructing differences between humans and other species, animals and objects, nature and contemporary society, I aim to discover counteractions and challenges in our existence. Postcolonial studies, animal studies, and feminist ecology inspire me to move beyond an anthropocentric point of view to explore my humanity and animality that prevails within my own nature.
Positioning elements that put forth conflict of purpose in binary opposition is an invitation to contemplate why things are the way they are and what would happen if they change. Transformation of objects can shift the way they are viewed through changes in scale, material, color, or the way they are positioned in space. Correlations of human, animal, and ready-made forms can reveal the complexity of our encounters—what do we find disturbing, humorous, tragic, or pleasing?